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Camfrog video chat

5:01 AM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

icon-cf.jpegCamfrog merupakan salah satu dari perangkat lunak pengirim pesan instan yang telah ada di dunia internet, dimana didalamnya kita bisa berinteraksi lewat text, video streaming dan audio streaming. layaknya yahoo messenger yang memberikan pelayanan chat antar manusia dari belahan dunia manapun yang mempunyai akses internet.

Banyak ke unikan untuk camfrog melainkan yahoo messenger atau tempat chat lainnya di camfrog jika ingin melihat muka lawan bicara melalui camera tak perlu harus permission atau minta persetujuan dari dia, hanya tinggal click langsung muncul dalam beberapa saat, untuk anda-anda yang doyan melihat show adegan panas panas disini banyak banget, disini tempatnya…

Camfrog terbagi atas dua, yaitu Camfrog Pro dan Camfrog biasa. Perbedaannya adalah pada Camfrog biasa tidak memiliki beberapa fitur Camfrog Pro, antara lain:

1. Tidak bisa melihat pengguna lain lebih dari satu ( multi view cam).
2. Tidak bisa merubah ukuran layar video.
3. Tidak bisa menambahkan teks pada kamera kita.
4. Tidak bisa mencari lokasi dimana pengguna yang telah kita tambah di daftar.

camfog sudah banyak versi yang bisa di download

versi 3.94

versi 4.1

versi 5.0

Masih banyak sebetulnya sebelum dan sesudah versi itu namun penulis hanya memaparkan sebagian saja, namun versi-versi tersebut belum teregistrasi dan tidak memiliki multy view Cam ya lumayan lahh mo liat-liat orang chating. camfrog dengan satu room bisa menampung lebih dari 1000 pengguna wahh banyak kan, pasti bingung milihnya mau chat sama sapa, tapi kalo pilihannya banyak biasanya probabilitas untuk liat yang hot-hot juga banyak

Mamun sebelum chating penulis menyarankan untuk tidak melakukan hal-hal yang dianggap rusuh sepeti typing kata-kata kotor kepada chater lainnya , karena ip address anda akan di banner dalam beberapa hari bahkan mungkin untuk tidak bisa chat sampai mingguan, meskipun ganti ID untuk chat tetap tidak bisa masuk karena IP addres anda yang terbanner oleh pengguna

icon dalam semiotika. contohnya ada di bawah ini semoga bisa menambah perbendaharaan istilah
dalam dunia per chatingan anda.

222 = no (bad)
555 = haha (smile)
888 = bye
88 = bye bye
99999 = minta mic
555555= malu
TQ = Terima Kasih
WB = Welcome Back
nvm = never mind
brb = be right back
JJR = jalan jalan room, (tapi ini gak baku)
Untuk tingkat lanjut mungkin anda akan memerlukan tulisan di bawah ini karena tulisan ini
memuat sedikit cara untuk melakukan tindakan seperti :
->untuk blok mic : klik kanan pada user yang ingin diblok micnya, kemudian klik block mic, sebaliknya unblock mic juga begitu
demikian pula untuk ban, kick, gampang bukan….
namun dalam hal ini ada aturanya sesuai tingkat statusnyaseperti:
Warna biru tidak bisa ban, kick, block, punish, dll terhadap hijau
dgn catatan level yang rendah tidak bisa menguasai level atas

Camfrog memiliki keunikan tersendiri di bandingkan dengan Yahoo Messenger atau MIRC, dimana room-room yang ada di camfrog memiliki status keanggotaan yang terdiri dari Guest user, Friend, Operator, Operator +, Co Owner, Main Owner dimana masing-masing tingkat memiliki fasilitas yang berbeda.

Fasilitas standart :
1. Chat di room maupun melalui Instant Message (IM)
2. Melihat cam user lain
3. Menggunakan voice di room

Guest user <<>

Friend <<>guest user

Operator << color="blue">Friend tersebut ditambah dengan fasilitas :
- Demote Operator dan Friend ( menurunkan status lebih rendah di bawahnya )
- Block,unblock mic Friend, Operator
- punish Operator, Friend, Guest user
- kick Operator, Friend, Guest user

Operator + << color="green">Operator tersebut ditambah fasilitas
- demote Operator+
- punish Operator+
- kick Operator+
- Banned semua status kecuali Co Owner, Main Owner

Co Owner << color="green">Operator+ tersebut ditambah fasilitas
- demote semua status
- Banned semua status
- Menaikan status hanya sampai di Operator+

Main Owner << color="red">Co Owner tersebut ditambah fasilitas
- Menaikan status menjadi Co Owner atau Main Owner
( karena dia yang memegang password )

Terimakasih buat forum anak papua & untuk informasinya

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What is Graphic Design?

4:06 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

Quentin Newark. 2002. Mies, Switzerland: RotoVision SA. [ISBN 2-88046-539-7. 254 pages, including index. $35.00 USD.]

On the title page of What is graphic design? Quentin Newark quotes Oscar Wilde: "It is very much more difficult to talk about a thing than to do it." When it comes to design, many technical communicators might disagree, finding it much easier to identify and discuss than to create innovative, usable designs.

Newark's book welcomes both designers and the design-challenged

into the world of graphic design. Locating design not only in the rarefied atmosphere of museums and art posters but also in the "real world" of candy bar wrappers, signs, phone message pads, and baggage claim checks, Newark illustrates the products of design as well as the process.

The book, printed in four colors on heavy, glossy paper stock, is itself a model of design and usability. It is divided into four readable and engaging sections.

The first section, "Issues," defines key terms such as design and designer, differentiates design from advertising and art, and contextualizes design in the world. In a chapter titled "The dilemma of style," Newark's pragmatic view resonates for the technical communicator: "Style has a function: it limits choices. It excludes certain possibilities, and makes others follow in a chain--it creates a related set of design decisions" (p. 18). Later in the first section, addressing "How design evolves," Newark writes. "Like everything in the broader culture, design is shaped by forces that pull and push it into new forms" (p. 34). Among these forces are technology, commerce, standardization, aesthetics, and utility--once again bringing to the forefront issues that technical communicators grapple with daily.

Newark begins the second section of the book, "Anatomy," with the following disclaimer: "Dividing up graphic design into categories is essentially a fruitless exercise" because design "covers a number of interlaced activities that do not fall into distinct parts" (p. 62). Nonetheless, he proceeds to divide this section into five groupings of 31 elements. I'm taking a chance here as I name the groupings, because he doesn't; he relies instead on spatial arrangement to hint at the relationships he sees. One group seems to cover what I ,night call the building blocks of design (alphabets, modules, typefaces, characters, and languages); another revolves around layout (typography, grids, hierarchy, and page elements); a third concerns images and other illustrations; and the fourth group comprises chapters about tools (pencils, materials, paper, and computers). The final grouping of chapters in the "Anatomy" section is loosely arranged around what Newark calls "Disciplines." His organizing principle for this last grouping is as follows: "There can be no corporate identity without understanding of logos or no packaging design without addressing the principles of publicity and information design. All these disciplines are joined by their articulation of word and image" (p. 118). Among the so-called disciplines--which we might call genres or publication formats--he includes logos, packaging, and publicity, as well as books, magazines, signs, exhibitions, the Web, and film.

The Graphic Design Business Book

4:05 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

The Graphic Design Business Book By Tad Crawford Allworth Press, 2005 $24.95, 247 pages

By Tad Cmwford

With strategies for creating a business plan, managing a studio, presenting portfolios, and web marketing, not to mention sample contract forms and listings of professional organizations, this volume should be a good place for aspiring professionals to start. Tad Crawford is an attorney, as well as the president and publisher for Allworth Press, and has written many other business

books for creatives, including A Legal Guide for the Visual Artist and Business and Legal Forms for Graphic Design. Establishing competitive prices for design work, negotiating contracts, and getting clients to pay are covered, and Crawford also includes much information on copyright and trademarks, taxes, and insurance.

"Graphic & Design Business" from North American Publishing.

4:02 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

North American Publishing Co. (NAPCO; Philadelphia, PA) will begin the publication of Graphic & Design Business magazine with an issue in October. The new quarterly title will have an initial controlled circulation of 10,000, increasing to 25,000 in 2004.

NAPC0 said the title will be targeted to professionals responsible for design budgets in excess of $1 million, including design firm owners, agency and corporate art department managers, and art department managers of large
consumer magazines and catalogs. The company said the magazine will provide coverage of industry news, including "the firms, people, products, technologies and services that make up the graphic design industry, on both the vendor and buyer sides."

Editorial will cover news related to all types of media including print, the Internet, outdoor, broadcast and corporate video, as well as management issues, hardware and software, and new technologies and systems.

NAPCO group publisher Mark Hertzog said "our research of the graphic design market revealed that there was a demand for information on technology, workflow and business management not available in other graphics pubs." NAPCO's Print Media Group also includes PrintMedia, BookTech and InPlant Graphics magazines and PrintMedia Inbox newsletter.

Defined Exhibits

3:49 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

We are an innovative company, with fresh ideas for trade show success.

Combining experience, energy and talent, we tailor our exhibit design and production to your specific needs.

We are different because we listen.

We offer solutions, and we create an environment that attracts potential customers.

Just as we we've done for MOLDFLOW CORP. and many others.

"Our booth looked great," reports Keri Souza, marketing communications manager. "We got so many leads, there is lots of follow-up to do."

Your company, too, has a story to tell, products and services to market.

Defined Exhibits can make it happen — with marketing solutions that work.

Brand Experience Design

3:40 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

Within every brand there’s a compelling idea. Our passion lies in uncovering these ideas and bringing them to life every time the brand engages the customer.

Starfish was born of a desire to provide clients with marketing solutions that aren’t bound to any one discipline. Because consumers experience brands through a myriad of touchpoints, we design and execute programs that ensure each customer interaction is a full and satisfying expression of the brand.

Our business model is unique in that it balances strategic rigor with elegant execution across a wide range of disciplines. And because we source executional expertise from our network of best-in-class talent, we are able to provide solutions that are tailor-made to fit our clients' individual tastes and needs.


Save power and real estate with a programmable reset controller with debounced input

2:02 AM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

The frequent deployment of hard reset functions on devices such as GPS units, PDA's, modems, set-top boxes and other devices (requiring complete system reboot from such anomalies as line outages) often use a simple pushbutton interface. This interface initiates a long time-delay pulse whereby re-initialization can both begin and remain uninterrupted until the task is complete.

For reasons relating to security or to the required reboot time, the pushbutton may need to be depressed for as long as some tens of seconds. An intelligent timer integrated into the system is used to ensure the pushbutton is depressed for some minimum, albeit lengthy time, known only to the service person performing the reboot.

The use of the low-cost single pole, single throw pushbutton requires a de-bounce circuit to ignore false triggers from an unintended closure and the multiple switch closures resulting from pushbutton bounce. Mercury-wetted switches once considered a remedy for the simple pushbutton bounce nuisance, are rarely used as a switch bounce remedy due to cost and impact on the environment.

A simple mono-stable multivibrator or one-shot, used with a logic gate discriminates from pulses of too short a duration. By choosing the one-shot pulse-width greater than the duration of the switch bounce pulse duration it also rids the receiving circuit of the multiple pulses from the pushbutton. Additionally, it can be used to ignore false trips by adjusting the pulse width (for example, into the hundreds of millisecond range).

As a low cost solution, the 555 timer or one of its many variants works well in this application using medium range valued components for the R-C time constant circuit thus keeping cost down. As shown in Figure 1a, the one-shot generates a pulse each time the pushbutton is depressed. If the length of the pulse from the pushbutton is less than the one-shot, the logic gate does not allow the pulse to pass. When the pulse equals or exceed the preset pulse width, the gate outputs a pulse equaling the difference of the pushbutton closure time minus the one-shot's chosen pulse width.

One Shot Pulse Discriminator
The addition of another one-shot and logic gate (Figure 1b) adds the long time delay reset pulse feature, which is activated once a pulse is output from the debounce circuit, and is not valid until the time delay of the second one-shot is equaled or exceeded. Although a single one-shot plus logic gate can serve the purpose of switch debounce, the addition of the second pulse discriminator allows the first to act as a short time delay reset pulse generator or "Soft Reset" generator and the second acts as the long time constant system reboot pulse generator or "Hard Reset".

Dual Pulse Discriminating Timer
Figure 1b: Addition of One-Shot and Logic Makes a Dual Pulse Discriminating Timer (One Shot, One Long)

It is the long time delay of the Hard Reset that poses the design problem as delays into the tens of seconds call for very large value resistors and capacitors to implement this function. Assuming a delay of 25 seconds is required and choosing a 10MΩ resistor yields a required capacitor value of 2.3μF and we choose the standard value 2.2μF for this circuit. For reliable operation across temperature a type X7R ceramic is used which has relatively low leakage current and is fairly stable in capacitance value change versus temperature. The shorter time constant required of the "Soft Reset" one-shot alleviates the demand on the higher value resistor and capacitor but not on the capacitor type. The X7R type dielectric is the right choice for this circuit.

Programmable Timers
Figure 2: Dedicated Reset Controller with Debounced Input, Programmable Timers and Voltage Monitor

Although this analog solution is both simple and low cost it lacks flexibility and accuracy. Should system reset requirements change, units in the field must be physically reworked to make adjustments to the either of the two timers. A software solution is attractive in that it can easily be reprogrammed to meet system changes without necessitating hardware changes.
Microprocessor example
A microprocessor based timer permits changes to be made as required without the need for dismantling the system to adjust or replace resistors or capacitors and adds accuracy from its crystal oscillator derived clock. Ideally, the system uses a microprocessor that can be adapted to this task by some modification of code and the availability of an unused input port or interrupt pin. If the on-board micro is not up to the task a microcontroller or low-level microprocessor can serve this function but not without adding significant cost not to mention PCB space and support circuitry such as the crystal oscillator.

A low pin count, programmable reset controller with debounced pushbutton input interface and supply voltage monitor alleviates the cost issue associated with the microprocessor solution while maintaining the programmability and accuracy edge of the microprocessor and the simplicity of the analog solution (see Figure 3).

Programmable Reset Timing Diagram
Figure 3: Timing Diagram of Programmable Reset Timer

For example, employing a 15μs debounced contact closure input, the Summit SMR101 contains the circuitry to generate a reset pulse from a short depression of the pushbutton; a "Soft Reset", and a separate "Hard Reset" pulse the result of holding down the pushbutton longer then the pre-programmed time delay. Once the pushbutton closure is sensed both the Soft and Hard reset timers are enabled and after their respective delays are reached the respective output goes low for as long as the pushbutton is held low, remaining low until the pushbutton is released and returning high after a programmed delay time of 1ms to 200ms.

The heart of the delay timers is the reasonably accurate (±10%) 8kHz ring oscillator. The oscillator provides a count pulse for the binary counter that is programmable in eight increments for both the short or Soft Delay and the Hard Delay. The debounced pushbutton input contains its own pullup resistor to VDD, eliminating yet another component from the final circuit. The Soft Reset is provided another trigger input; that of the VDD supply voltage. Divided down by user inputted data, the VDD voltage is compared against an internal reference and when this reference voltage is exceed the comparator output is passed through a 15μs glitch filter to prevent spurious triggering of the Soft Reset output where it acts on the Soft Reset output just as the pushbutton input does.

The flexibility of the SMR101 comes from its on-board user configurable EEPROM where changes to any of the timers' delay times or the VDD trip point can be readily made through a simple proprietary interface. Changes to any of these settings can be made "on the fly" and will be retained after the device loses power. When system requirements make necessary changes to the timer intervals or even the VDD trip point the programmability feature allows for such changes simply and quickly, in the factory or in the field.
A closer look at the interaction of the pushbutton, voltage on VDD and the timer output states are shown in Figure 4. Upon application of power to VDD above the undervoltage set point (wave 1), the comparator detects a valid supply voltage and after 15μs of validity the reset timer is started and after the timeout interval, the Soft Reset# output goes high. If at any time during valid operation a voltage glitch of 15μs or greater is experienced on VDD, the Reset timer will be re-triggered, asserting the SOFT_RESET# output until after the glitch has disappeared plus the Reset delay time. Note that the HARD_RESET# output is unaffected by the undervoltage condition occurring on VDD.

Programmable Timer Configurable Settings
Figure 4: Windows GUI Display of Programmable Reset Timer Configurable Settings

Next, the pushbutton is depressed for an interval of time greater than the preprogrammed Soft Reset time of 250ms but less than the preprogrammed Hard Reset time of 4 seconds. Once the button is depressed for ≥250mS, the SOFT_RESET# output is asserted and remains asserted until the pushbutton is released; returning high TRESET (100ms) after the pushbutton is released. As the pushbutton was not held down for the programmed Hard Reset time, the HARD_RESET# output was not asserted.

By holding the pushbutton down for the full duration (≥4 seconds) of the preprogrammed Hard Reset time, both the SOFT_RESET# and HARD_RESET# outputs will be asserted. The duration of the SOFT_RESET assertion time is the pushbutton closure time minus the Soft Reset programmed time plus the Reset Timeout Period or tPB − tSR + tRESET. The duration of the Hard Reset assertion time will be the pushbutton closure time minus the Hard Reset programmed time plus the Reset Timeout Period or tPB − tHR + tRESET.

Programming the Reset Controller requires only a Personal Computer with a Windows Operating System and the SMR101 GUI software loaded. In Figure 4 it is shown the Reset Timer programmed to 100ms, the Soft Reset Timer to 250ms and the Hard Reset Timer to 4 Seconds. In this example, after the pushbutton is depressed for 100ms, the SOFT_RESET# output is asserted and holding the pushbutton closed for a total of 4 seconds also asserts the HARD_RESET# output. Assuming the button is depressed for 5 seconds, both the Soft and Hard Reset timers will become reasserted 5.1 seconds after the pushbutton was depressed. Setting the programmable reset timer's functions to other values is as simple as checking a selection box to and clicking the "Program" button. The controller commits the new settings to EEPROM after the programming interface has completed its write cycle at 100kHz cycle times.

The benefits of a programmable reset timer becomes obvious when considering long delay times or multiple timers and other features not found on the traditional one shot integrated circuits. Consideration is given to a microprocessor-based design but is discarded when cost is an issue and only the absolute in accuracy is required. A committed programmable controller with reasonable accuracy, minimal parts count and low cost is a sensible solution to many systems requiring a long delay timer. The addition of the on board debounce circuit makes the widely available low cost SPST, normally open pushbutton a perfect fit and accompanying cost advantages. The final advantages, that of a CSP package using only a percentage of a SOT-23 5 pin package and minimal pin count, discourage any look at alternate solutions and allow time for more important undertakings.

About the author
George Hall is Staff Engineer at Summit Microelectronics. He is responsible for supporting customers using Summit devices, evaluation kit design and new product definition. Before joining Summit, Mr. Hall was an applications engineering at Monolithic Power Systems. He has also held positions at Micro Linear Corporation, Micrel Semiconductor, Raynet, Computer Products, and General Electric. Mr. Hall has authored numerous application notes and holds a patent in phase-locking switched-mode power supplies.

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Privacy Policy

2:04 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

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2:47 PM, Posted by Unknown, No Comment

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chating di Yahoo Messenger tanpa instal hanya gunakan passwordnya r0136y